Welcome to Women Initiative for Self-Empowerment and Health (WISH)!

We are a non-profit, non-political organization founded with a clear purpose: to create a platform that champions the empowerment and health access of Key Populations (KPs) and vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in South Sudan.

Our mission is to advocate for their fundamental human rights, improve their health, and enhance their socio-economic status through integrated KP/AGYW-led innovative solutions, self-empowerment, education, health, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), and livelihood enhancement services.

Our Vision.

We envision an empowered and healthy South Sudan where Key Populations and vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young Women thrive.

Thematic Areas of Intervention.

Our Thematic Areas of Intervention are at the heart of our mission – focused initiatives that drive positive change and address the critical needs of Key Populations and vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Sudan.

Become a Changemaker – Volunteer with WISH!

Ready to Make a Difference?

Whether you are a student, professional, or someone with a passion for social impact, your commitment matters. Join WISH as a volunteer and contribute your time, skills, and dedication to building a brighter future for those in need.

Take the first step – fill out our volunteer application form to embark on the transformation journey.

Note: Due to the nature of our work, volunteers are expected to respect and adhere to our core values, ensuring inclusivity, dignity, and respect for all individuals we serve.

Support Our Mission – Donate to WISH.

Why Donate to WISH?

Your generosity enables us to continue our vital work in empowering Key Populations and vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Sudan. Your contribution plays a crucial role in creating a healthier, more equitable society for those who need it the most.

WISH extends its heartfelt gratitude for your support and partnership. Your generosity fuels our mission to empower, uplift, and transform the lives of our beneficiaries.

Our Collaborations

We’d love to hear from you!